A new CD by the Varaždin Chamber Orchestra is an anthology of musical achievements ranging from nocturnal over reflexive to meditative atmosphere from the rich West European and Croatian music heritage. The selection of compositions offers a view from musical modernity of Kuljerić’s Chanson triste, Dešpalj’s Yearning and Uhlik’s Notturno deep into the history of music reaching Mozart’s porcelain-frail orchestral miniatures. A large majority of the selected compositions was originally written for the string orchestra, whereas a few of them have been shrouded in the warm colours of stringed instruments by the great connoisseur, maestro Pavle Dešpalj. The selection might have been different, but this one reflects the musical preference of orchestra’s artistic management and their honorary conductor, maestro Pavle Dešpalj, as well as certain limitations, which have been set by the orchestra structure, i.e. stringed instruments. (Tatjana Čunko) Cantus, 2001. 988 984 956 2