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Obrovac, Tamara: & Stefano Battaglia: APOXYOMENOS recomposed

& Stefano Battaglia: APOXYOMENOS recomposed
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Tamara Obrovac glas / voice
Stefano Battaglia klavir / piano
Autorica svih skladbi / All songs written by: Tamara Obrovac
The music project Apoxyomenos recomposedis based on the pieces which Tamara Obrovac composed for the Croatian National Theatre in Zagreb’s ballet Apoksiomen in 2017. Stefano Battaglia reharmonised Tamara’s compositions which acquired their final form during their team work in Siena, at the Accademia Musicale Chigiana in the autumn of 2022 and 2023, when they were also recorded. The tragedy the Trojan Women which, with its theme of war and exile, unfortunately also corresponds to the modern times, evokes emotions such as sorrow, hopelessness, grief, abandonment, hope, nostalgia, resignation, unrest and revolt.
The fragments of the verses from the Trojan Women by Euripides chosen by: Lada Kaštelan
Nakladnici / Publishers:
Cantus d.o.o., Artistic organization
Transhistria ensemble
Za nakladnike / For the publishers:
Mirjana Matić, Tamara Obrovac
Broj izdanja / CD number:
88924508192 2024.