The eccentric and primary impulses of Silvio Foretić’s earliest musical
activities, attempts and pieces seem to coincide with acquiring new
knowledge and insights, and could almost be arranged in a series of smaller
explosive breakthroughs of distinct character and variable energy charge
that imply a strong and flexible line of resistance to the dictates of mainstream
dominant music or doctrine. But these sparks, momentums and jumps of
the driving forces of his permanent composing struggle also cast light on
the intimacy of the landscape of meanderingly indented musical opus, a
kind of an open autobiographical novel – a discussion in which colorful
torsional magmas of varying qualities and densities alternate: sound and
stage gestures, diverse music, chants, images, his own and literary texts,
genuinely committed educational–enlightening actions and provocations.
Croatian Composers' Sociaty, Cantus Ltd, 2020.