Abstract Construction Collective
Pavle Jovanović – electric guitar, live electronics
Zoran Ščekić – modified slide guitar
Nikola Vuković – trumpet, modified pocket trumpet
Ivar Roban Križić – double bass, prepared double bass
Luís André Carneiro de Oliveira - drums, percussion
Luka Čapeta – electric guitar, effects (Quartet conversations)
Damir Prica Kafka – soprano saxophone (Sextet Conversations)
By synthesizing partially fixed compositions and free improvised music, the Abstract Construction Collective chose the right way to present on its first record release its musical expression (and approach to music) both as an ensemble as a whole and individual musicians who make up this collective.
The need for sonic explorations, openness to more experimental music expressions, interest in free improvisation, exploration of the acoustics of instrument(s), excellent playing skills that include extended playing techniques, jazz education, departure from the mainstream musical practices...
The A.C.C.’s music is in many ways rooted in the decades-long tradition of American and European free jazz, and the artistic result, as typical for free improvisation groups, largely depends on the individual musical expressions of the participants and their mutual synergy. ...
(Davorka Begović, from CD book)
Croatian Composers’ Society, Cantus Ltd, 2020