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Cantus Ansambl:
15 Year Anniversary | Cantus Live(s)!
Live Recordings | 3CD
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For almost fifteen years contemporary music in Croatia, both by Croatian composers and by forerunners in the international arena, has largely lived through the activities of the Cantus Ensemble, which was established with the aim to explore, discover and introduce new and unchartered musical spheres. Through a meticulous approach to the musical works of the 20th and 21st centuries – while achieving and maintaining high performance levels – the Ensemble has filled an existing void on the national stage and has become the main promoter of Croatian contemporary music, both in Croatia and abroad. From reviving forgotten scores from the second half of the 20th century, through remembering valuable works by our distinguished composers, to the respectable number of premieres of pieces dedicated to the Ensemble, Cantus’ repertoire rests on the stylistic diversity of contemporary music. The Cantus Ensemble, led by Berislav Šipuš, has been extremely active since its founding in 2001. It brings together excellent performers, while seriously approaching the task of participating in the creation of contemporary musical life and educating the young generation of musicians as well as the concert audience itself. One of the most important aspects of the Ensemble’s work, along with its regular concert cycle, is giving guest performances at leading festivals of contemporary music around the world. It is therefore no accident that the Ensemble selected for this triple CD live performances of their national and international interpretations, thus directing attention to the importance of the moment in the process of the realization of a contemporary music work.
(Bojana Plećaš Kalebota, from a CD book)
croatian / english
Cantus d.o.o., 2016.
Tomislav Oliver
Obsidienne, for chamber orchestra
Cantus Ensemble Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Srđan Dedić
Ich vergesse Dich nicht, for ensemble
Cantus Ensemble | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Srećko Bradić
Concerto for Flute and Orchestra
Cantus Ensemble | Dani Bošnjak, flute | Adriano Martinolli d’Arcy, conductor
Krešimir Seletković
disORDER, for chamber ensemble
Cantus Ensemble | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Berislav Šipuš
…un breve Viaggio verso le Luci di Amaraath, la Stella del Ritorno… or two pianos, percussion and chamber ensemble
Cantus Ensemble & Ensemble Les Amis | Srebrenka Poljak & Erica Crinò, pianos | Marko Mihajlović & Hrvoje Sekovanić, percussion | Ivan Josip Skender, conductor
Ruben Radica
Per se II, for wind quintet and magnetic tape
Cantus Ensemble’s Wind Section | Mario Mavrin, technical collaboration | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Bogdan Gagić
Concerto Cantus, for piano and 11 instruments
Cantus Ensemble | Srebrenka Poljak, piano | Adriano Martinolli d’Arcy, conductor
Frano Parać
Memorie, for voice and chamber ensemble
Cantus Ensemble | Martina Gojčeta Silić, mezzosoprano | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Dubravko Detoni
Dolce furioso, for chamber orchestra
Cantus Ensemble | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Giampaolo Coral
Raps VII, for chamber orchestra
Cantus Ensemble | Adriano Martinolli d’Arcy, conductor
György Ligeti
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra
Cantus Ensemble | Martin Draušnik, violin | Berislav Šipuš, conductor
Paul Hindemith
Kammermusik No. 3, for obbligato cello and 10 solo instruments, Op. 36 No. 2
Cantus Ensemble | Monika Leskovar, cello | Ivan Josip Skender, conductor
Karlheinz Stockhausen
Unbegrenzt iz / from Aus den sieben Tagen
Roberto Fabbriciani, flute | Ratko Vojtek, clarinets and percussion | Saša Nestorović, saxophones | Zoran Šćekić, guitars | Igor Lešnik, percussion | Marko Ciciliani, no-input mixer | Berislav Šipuš, piano
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