Boilers All Stars: Miro Kadoić: alt sax, flauta/alto sax, flute | Saša Nestorović: sopran sax, tenor sax/soprano sax | Damir Horvat: bariton sax/baritone sax | Davor Križić: truba, krilnica, umjetničko vodstvo/trumpet, bugle, band leader | Matija Dedić: klavir/piano | Ante Gelo: gitara/guitar | Mladen Baraković: kontrabas/double bass | Krunoslav Levačić: bubnjevi/drums | Hrvoje Rupčić: udaraljke/percussion
A project entitled Boilers All Stars came into existence in early 2001 when the quantity and maturity of a young generation of the Croatian jazz musicians reached a critical mass which may have yielded such an action.The above sentence may sound somewhat pretentious, especially if given by someone who was near the “workshop” where it all started. Well, is this pretentiousness warranted? I am convinced that this is the case: the crown proof is this CD, and a series of preceding concerts, which revealed that Boilers All Stars uprated the Croatian jazz to the level which was rarely attained in the past decades. ...
This CD documents the decision of the Croatian jazz musicians to show that they are able and courageous enough to do anything.
Cantus, 2003. 988 984 9777 2